• Name: Coolchicki
  • Shaycom ID: Coolchicki
  • Last active on: 9/7/2024
  • Ratings: 24
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Added 8 Jul 2007 (address: www.blgilmore.com/ )

B.L. Gilmore is a dominatrix when it comes to the written word. She never shies away from a new challenge, whether it be straight facts or tantalizing fiction. She grabs the bull by the horns and runs with it, weaving her words into a web that will grab you and keep you wanting more to the very end. More...

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BKG Productions

Added 8 Jul 2007 (address: www.bkgproductions.com/ )

Excellence in writing of copy text for websites, letters, speeches and more. Boost your sales with professionally written press releases, ads and brochures. Pricing tailored to your needs. More...

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